지난 스마트국토엑스포 때 전시되어서 많은 관심과 호평을 받은 저희 회사의 BoG(BIM on GIS)입니다. 

본 동영상은 극지연구소의 남극 세종기지를 대상지로하여 실제 FMS(Facility Management System)을 구축한 사례를 보여주고 있습니다. 

본 시스템이 지향하는 바는 단순합니다. 

전 지구적 차원에서부터 실내의 작은 부품 하나까지 하나의 통합된 플랫폼에서 시각화, 관리, 분석하겠다는 것입니다. 

GIS와 BIM의 장점을 통합하여 새로운 차원의 플랫폼을 만드는 것이죠. 

여기에 시간축과 동적 자료 처리를 통합할 예정입니다. 

사실 이 동영상보다 더 시스템이 발전했는데요. 

일단 여기까지 공개합니다~

Real case of FMS(Facility Management System) using BoG(BIM on GIS).

The main purpose of this project is to develop a so-called BoG(BIM on GIS) system that could integrate and manage in-door and out-door information in a seamless way. Numerous researches have been conducted to integrate BIM(Building Information Model) and 3D GIS for integration of in-door and out-door information. However it is found that it is difficult to integrate BIM and 3D GIS models at the same time, because of differences in data model and domains.

We've developed new Web3D GIS platform called BoG system that could combine traditional out-door based 3D GIS and in-door BIM information. This new Web3D GIS platform could handle geometry and attribute information of BIM and 3D GIS at the same time. This may give new impression and possibilities for managing urban infrastructures. Ultimately with this system, user can handle and manage the spatial information from the earth scale to office desk scale. As a conclusion, BoG system could open new possibilities for urban scale facility and energy management. 

This project was funded by KOPRI(KOrea Polar Research Institute) and implemented by Gaia3D, Inc.

2014년 9월 5일


Posted by 뚜와띠엔