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mago3DTiler v1.6.4 has been released!

뚜와띠엔 2024. 5. 25. 09:17

mago3DTiler (https://github.com/Gaia3D/mago-3d-tiler), the open-source OGC 3D Tiles converter, version 1.6.4 has been released! mago3DTiler supports various input formats and CRS conversion. The next version will support SHP polyline to 3D mesh for pipe 3D Tiles.


가이아쓰리디의 오픈소스 OGC 3D Tiles 변환기인 mago3DTiler v1.6.4가 발표되었습니다. 다음 버전에서는 선형 SHP 파일의 속성값(내경, 외경 등)을 활용해 파이프라인 3D Tiles를 만드는 기능을 포함할 예정입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.




2024년 5월 24일