FOSS4G Korea와 FOSS4G-Asia 대회에서 진행한 mago3DTiler 기술 워크샵 교안 공유합니다. mago3DTiler를 활용해 각종 3차원 객체를 OGC 3D Tiles로 변환할 수 있습니다.
1. 공개 데이터인 OvertureMaps(건물), Sentinel(위성영상), NASA DEM(지형)을 인터넷에서 내려받고,
2. 이를 mago3DTiler, mago3DTerrainer를 이용해 OGC 3D Tiles, Quantized Mesh로 변환한 뒤,
3. Cesium.js를 이용해 웹에 가시화하는 내용입니다.
참고하시기 바랍니다.
Korean: https://github.com/Gaia3D/mago3d-doc/blob/main/foss4g/Table_Of_Contents_Ko.md
mago3d-doc/foss4g/Table_Of_Contents_Ko.md at main · Gaia3D/mago3d-doc
Contribute to Gaia3D/mago3d-doc development by creating an account on GitHub.
English: https://github.com/Gaia3D/mago3d-doc/blob/main/foss4g/Table_Of_Contents_En.md
mago3d-doc/foss4g/Table_Of_Contents_En.md at main · Gaia3D/mago3d-doc
Contribute to Gaia3D/mago3d-doc development by creating an account on GitHub.
I'm very happy to share the mago3DTiler technical workshop materials from the FOSS4G Korea(KR) and FOSS4G-Asia(EN) conferences.
1. Download public datasets such as OvertureMaps(buildings), Sentinel(satellite imagery), and NASA DEM(terrain) from the internet.
2. Convert these datasets into OGC 3D Tiles and Quantized Mesh using mago3DTiler and mago3DTerrainer
3. Visualize them on the web using Cesium.js.
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