생성형 AI 일러스트 사용을 금지하라는 공개 서한. 

훈련 데이터로 사용된 일러스트 저작자들에게 허락도 안 받았을 뿐만 아니라 돈 한 푼 준 적 없이 아티스트들의 피를 빨아먹는 뱀파이어와 같은 짓이라는 주장. 기술 발전에 열광만 할 게 아니라 그 이면의 그림자도 돌아볼 때. 아니, 이미 지나버렸는지도. 


"AI-rt generators are trained on enormous datasets, containing millions upon millions of copyrighted images, harvested without their creator’s knowledge, let alone compensation or consent. This is effectively the greatest art heist in history. Perpetrated by respectable-seeming corporate entities backed by Silicon Valley venture capital. It’s daylight robbery."

"Generative AI art is vampirical, feasting on past generations of artwork even as it sucks the lifeblood from living artists."




AI Open Letter — CAIR

 Restrict AI Illustration from Publishing: An Open Letter Published May 2, 2023 ︎Add your signature Since the earliest days of...



2023년 5월 15일

Posted by 뚜와띠엔