1. Distributed model for soil moisture and landslide susceptibility : examples from the Taimali Catchment, Taiwan

 - HSA(Hydrological Sensitive Area)

 - Hydrology, landcover, root strength, soli condition, bedrock, topography, human activities -> Land Slide

 - Distributed approach : grid based hydrological model + infinite slope stability model 

 - Data set : DEM(20m), Formasa-2(2m), Lithology map(1:50,000), soil map(1:25,000), weather data

 - Mehta et al, 2004 : Hydrological model for soil moisture prediction

 - Hydraulic conductivity 

 - Model performance and success rate evaluation

2. Setting up the critical rainfall line for debris -flow via support vector machines

 - Debris-flow is one of dangerous thing in protecting human life & assets

 - 대만은 아무래도 지진, 태풍, 폭우 등이 많아서 그런지 산사태와 관련된 내용이 많은 듯

 - 2009년에 태풍 모라꼿으로 700 여명 이상이 사망하거나 실종 

 - Critical Line

 - Support Vector Machine

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