지난 4월 3일에 KAIST 증강현실연구센터 콜로키움에서 발표한 자료입니다. 참고하세요.


'Digital Twin' is a digital replication of real world objects, processes, phenomena that can be used for various purposes. Digital twin concept backs to manufacturing industry in early 2000s for the PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) purposes. It is based on the idea that a digital informational construct about a physical system could be created as an entity on its own. As cities are going through digital transformation, there are many attempts to apply digital twin concept to manage urban issues. Those attempts look set to play an increasingly important role in the creation of smart cities around the world and in addressing major public health, safety and environmental issues. Bringing the virtual and real worlds together in this way can help to give better analysis, visualization, and simulation to decision-making process. This will be a multi-way process with iterative feedback among stakeholders. In this colloquium, I talked about the recent trends of Smart City from the perspective of digital twin.



2019년 4월 25일

Posted by 뚜와띠엔