오는 8월 26일부터 31일까지 루마니아 부큐레스티에서 개최되는 국제 FOSS4G 2019 대회에서 개인적으로 2개의 발표를 하게 되어 영광입니다. 회사 전체적으로는 이번 대회에서 3개의 발표를 합니다. 한국, 아시아를 넘어 전 세계적으로 영향력 있는 오픈소스 회사가 되기 위해 더욱 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

I'll give 2 talks at the FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest. At first I'll talk about the current state of the mago3D, an open source based digital twin platform. And then I'll introduce the web based military geoportal system that was implemented on top of many FOSS4Gs. I'm also very happy to share the great news that my company will give 3 talks in total this year. 



2019년 6월 4일

Posted by 뚜와띠엔