1. What is business model : A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. <- 이거 코틀러 교수가 마케팅에 대해 정의했던 것과 거의 같잖아?
2. Customer Segments : Different groups of people or organizations an enterprise aims to reach and serve
- Mass market, Niche market, Segmented market(banking industry), Diversified market(Amazon), Multisided platforms(credit card company. More card holders <-> more merchants)
3. Value Propositions : Bundle of products & services that create value for a specific Customer Segment(Why customers turn to one company over another. It solves the problem of customers or satisfies customers need)
- Newness(cellphone, ethical investment funds), performance(PC market), customization, "Getting the job done'-> job-to-be-done(Rolls-Royce jet engine), design, brand/status(Rolex), price(No-frills airlines, Nano), cost reduction(salesforce.com), risk reduction(user-car guarantee, IT service level guarantee), accessibility(Netjets, Mutual funds), convenience/usability(iPod + iTune)
4. Channels : How a company communicates with and reaches its Customers Segments to deliver Value Proposition. Awareness -> Evaluation -> Purchase -> Delivery -> Post-purchase(After sales)
- Direct channel, indirect channel, owned channel, partner channel
5. Customer Relationships : Types of relationship with specific Customer Segments for customer acquisition, customer retention and boosting sales
- Personal assistance(call-center), dedicated personal assistance(PB), self-service(open source), automated services(personalized online service), communities, co-creation(YouTube.com)
6. Revenu Streams : The cash a company generates from each Customer Segment(One time based transaction revenues, recurring revenue)
- Asset sale(car selling), usage fee(telecom, hotel), subscription fees(WOW), Lending/Renting/Leasing(Zipcar.com), Licensing(media, s/w), Brokerage fees(credit card company, real estate agents), advertising(google)
- Pricing mechanisms : Fixed & dynamic pricing
7. Key Resources : The most important assets required to make a business model
- Physical(manufacturing factory), intellectual(brands, patents, partnership), human(pharmaceutical industry), financial(Ericsson case)
8. Key Activities : The most important things a company must do to make its business model work.
- Production(manufacturing company), problem solving(consulting firm, hospital) -> knowledge management & continuous training, platform/network(eBay, Visa, Microsoft)
9. Key Partnerships : The network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work to optimize business model, reduce risk, or acquire resources.
- 4 types of partnership : 1. Strategic alliances between non-competitors, 2. Coopetition partnership between competitors, 3. Joint venture to develop new business, 4. Buyer-supplier relationships to assure reliable supplies
10. Cost Structure : All costs incurred to operate a business model
- Cost driven(no-frills airline) BM, value-driven(Luxury hotel) BM
- Fixed costs, variable costs, economies of scale(Wal-Mart), economies of scope(Disney)
개인적인 생각으로는 비즈니스 모델을 떠나 비즈니스 전반에 걸쳐 고민해야할 많은 부분들을 매우 압축적으로 잘 정리했을 뿐만 아니라 시각적으로 매우 잘 구성한 책이라는 느낌임..
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