1. Relating a brand to a self based on value/principle
 - Nike : Just do it
 - 풀무원 : 우리 아이들에게 바른 음식을
 - 유한킴벌리 : 우리 강산 푸르게 푸르게

2. Relating a brand to a self based on identity
 - Rolex : I'm someone
 - Marlboro : Western cowboy, macho
 - 페라리, 루이비통

3. Relating a brand to a self based on aesthetics/cuteness
 - Kitty, Barbie dol

* Power of brand
1. Relationship initiation behavior
  - purchase

2. Relationship maintenance behavior:
 - repeat purchase
 - not influenced by the price reduction of competing brands
 - not influenced by the incentive offering by competing brands
 - not influenced by the product improvement claim by competing brands
 - not influenced by the favorable word-of-mouth/publicity about competing brands
 - consumers' purchase of a brand over the future extended period of time
 - consumers' forgiveness of a brand's mishaps

3. Relationship enhancement behavior:
 - consumers voluntary behavior in defending and protecting brand
 - consumers willingness to actively promote a brand to others
 - consumers own voluntary search behavior when a brand is not readily identifiable
 - consumers purchase decision postponement when a brand is not available
 - consumers willingness to pay a premium price

2010년 7월 29일 

Posted by 뚜와띠엔