BMEA 11/19

경영관련/KAIST MBA 2010. 11. 19. 14:58
1. Why have Japanese IT firms missed the boat in terms of GPN?
- Legacy of past success? Curse of winners?
  ** In 2001, GDP of Japan was 4 times larger than that of China's
  ** In 2010, GDP of both countries are the same
  ** In 2030, GDP of China will be 4 times bigger than that of Japan's
  ** Why did Japan lose her leading position in mobile market?
  ** Incheon airport provided more connection to Japan cities than Narita airport. <-- What does this imply?
  ** Inflexibility of policy and legacy of past could cause this situation. 

- Strong vertical integration model : OEMs and parts suppliers are closely linked
- Parts makers are the real competitive edge of Japanese IT industry - Why didn't they venture overseas?
- How can we explain the big difference of profitability of set makers and parts makers?

2. What about Korean IT firms?
- Vertical or virtual integration model?
- Japanese model?
- They have done reasonably well in the last 2 decades
- Why have they shown better performance despite the fact that they have pursued vertical integration model?
- Should they change their business model in the coming years?
 ** They have relocated their assembly operations to China and other countries, but maintained vertical integration model
 ** Korean parts makers have followed set makers such as Samsung and LG to those oversea locations
 ** But there seems to be a tension developing in their vertical chain

3. Open System vs Closed system
- Both in production and R&D, there is competition between an open system and a closed one. 
- Competition in GPN
 * American firms as lead firms and Taiwan firms as participants. Taiwan firms have direct linkage with Silicon Valley and have both production and R&D in the main land. 
 * Japanese and Korean firms as lead firms and their domestic parts makers as participants; their overseas production network, including China, is also an extension of domestic vertical integration model
- Competition in Global innovation network
 * Recently American firms have followed an open innovation system, inviting participation of independent firms and individuals. In addition, there are very active firms that are linked large firms through M&As and others
 * Japanese and Korean firms have followed self-contained, closed R&D models, including their own overseas research labs. They are not closely linked with outside venture firms or inventors/universities. 

2010년 11월 19일

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