1. Governance of global value chains
- Fragmentation : 'integration of trade' & 'disintegration of production' -> how to coordinate the activities?
- Coordination : 'Separability of ownership' & 'Transaction costs approach' & 'Core competence'
- Networks, Hierarchy,
- 'Commodity supplier', 'Captive supplier' & 'Turn-key supplier'
- 5 basic types of value chain governance : 1. Markets, 2. Modular value chains(electronics), 3. Relational value chains(apparel), 4. Captive value chains(auto parts), 5. Hierarchy
- Modular -> replaceable, Relational -> inter-dependent.
2. Cross-border production network
3. What is a global production network?
- Global production network (GPN)
- Market - network - Helm
- Market lead firm vs technology lead firm
- US company usually control market & technology
- GPN, Cross-border contract manufacturing
- Key : Dissemination of knowledge & experiences
- 2 Characteristics of GPN
* Non-equity network
* Fragmentation of value chain across dispersed locations
- GPN is a new phenomenon?
- Product characteristics of GPN
* Foot-loose products : low transportation costs
* Assembly-type products : break-up of value chain possible. Examples : electronics, automotive, apparel and light mafrs. Counter-examples : chemical, iron and steel, food products, pharmaceuticals, etc
- Enabler of GPN
* Lower tariffs and NTBs?
* Technology : transportation and IT?
* Capabilities of subcontracting firms?
- Since when have these enablers become operative?
* since the early 1990s?
* But only in a limited number of industries
- Why East Asia, especially Taiwan?
* Traditional destination for subcontracting
* Export oriented growth strategy
* Low labor costs and high labor productivity
* Starting with NIEs and spreading to second-tier countries
- Why Taiwan?
- Firm theory and GPN
* Bases for transaction cost economies(TCE)
- Asset specificity
- Opportunism
- Coordination costs
* How can a non-equity network(without ownership & control) provide protection against TCs?
- Trust
- Reputation
- Reciprocity(mutual dependence)
* GPN advantages
- Cost advantages
- Flexibility
- Advantage of open innovation
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