This lecture covered the McKinsey’s toolkit to approach & solve customers’ problems. Since we can define all the business activities as problem solving processes with limited time, resources to increase customers’ value and in return increase profit of company, McKinsey’s approach was very interesting and useful to understand how to solve the problems systematically. Actually McKinsey’s 7 steps approach to solve problem is based on so called ‘Divide & conquer’ method. It starts with definition of problems at first and then it divide problems into several pieces of sub questions to be answered separately. By prioritization and answering sub questions raised in the project, consultants could approach the original big problems efficiently with allocation of consultant to respective sub questions. So, all the sub questions should be divided in MECE(Mutually Exclusive Collectively Exhaustive) way to reduce redundancy and to increase efficiency. During lecture, 3 words captured my mind, those are ‘Measurable’ and ‘Actionable’ and ‘Creative.’ In real business we sometimes approach problem with immeasurable way and then we feel that we are handling problem well. However without concrete measurable goals or standards, we couldn’t evaluate the results of those immeasurable approaches. Also we couldn’t convince other outside stakeholder whether we resolve the problem clearly or not. So, only measurable approach will work finally. In terms of ‘Actionable’, however the solutions are measurable if the solutions are not actionable, the solutions are meaningless. We are doing business within limited resources framework, so we should consider actionable solution always. Since ‘Actionable’ is related with the ‘Scope of solution space’, ‘Actionable’ is also related with the way how we approach the problems, that is ‘Creativity.’ I think the most important factor to approach problems is creativity. Generally speaking, answers are guided by and directed by the raised questions. If we raised the wrong questions to solve problems and then we’ll get wrong answers & solutions however those are ‘Measurable & Actionable.’ So creativity will play very important role to approach problems and also to extract action items.
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